Plan Sponsors & Financial Advisors
We Work With Plan Sponsors & Their Advisors

Defined Benefit and Cash Balance offer opportunities for tax-efficient retirement savings and asset accumulation but they also come with significant responsibilities for the Plan Sponsor. It is important to have knowledgeable advisors & consultants who can explain these issues to the Plan Sponsor, help them make decisions appropriate to the needs of their business and its owners and, once the plan has been implemented, to ensure that it is operated appropriately and in compliance with the law & regulations.

Aegis Provides . . .

. . . all this and more. We work with the Plan Sponsor and his team of Advisors – CPAs, financial advisors and others. We add our actuarial & plan design expertise to the team’s insight into the Plan Sponsor’s situation and needs to ensure the Plan Sponsor has the information and understanding necessary to make appropriate decisions and properly operate the plan.

We provide full actuarial and administration services for Defined Benefit and Cash Balance Plans. We work in conjunction with the Plan Sponsor’s current 401k TPA or, for very small clients, handle the administration of their 401k plan as well.

We are independent but have become the preferred partner for many CPAs, brokers & advisors. We have a full actuarial staff and the technical resources needed to handle all types and sizes of Defined Benefit and Cash Balance Plans.

We have made a commitment to Defined Benefit and Cash Balance Plans and are ready to work with Plan Sponsors, Advisors, TPAs and others to make these plans available and accessible.

Aegis Reports
Small Business
Professional Practice