Third Party Administrators
We Work With TPAs
We know what a TPA needs to be successful in the Defined Benefit and Cash Balance space – an actuarial partner it can count on, high quality actuarial & plan design services that fully integrate into its established operations and full control of the client relationship.
Aegis Provides . . .

. . . all this and more. We operate as the TPA’s actuarial department and to allow the TPA to get in to the growing Cash Balance and Defined Benefit market without the expensive commitment of maintaining a full actuarial staff and the technical resources needed to succeed in this specialty market. Our goal is to make the TPA look good and strengthen its relationship with its plan sponsor clients.

We are independent and have over 50 TPA relationships in place. This includes TPAs with large blocks of cash balance/defined benefit plans and those with only a handful of plans. Whatever the TPA’s size or experience in this market, Aegis is ready to work with them.

Aegis Reports
Small Business
Professional Practice